3 events found.
Spooner Farmers Market
Spooner Farmers Market 8000 W. Beaverbrook Ave., SpoonerLocal vendors bringing fresh food and sustainable local produce/products to Spooner, WI. Open Sat- Jun.10-Oct.7, now located at the Washburn County Fairgrounds in Spooner.
Book Bike Story Time
Spooner Farmers Market 8000 W. Beaverbrook Ave., SpoonerCheck out Spooner Memorial Library's book bike at the Farmer's market, the third weekend of each month. There will be drop-in story times and crafts for kids.
Railroad Heritage Days
Spooner Railroad ParkSPOONER'S HERITAGE DAY Railroad Memories Museum is partnering with Spooner Memorial Library, Wisconsin Humanities, Friends of the Railroad Park, the Railroad Park Board, and Lakeland Family Resource Center to bring…