Jacks are Wild:
Food & Wine Tasting Benefit

Vendors that have not signed up by March 31 must contact the Chamber Office directly to sign up for this event. You can reach them at (715) 635-2168.

Vendor Information

Restaurant, food purveyors, and wine/beer distributors are invited to participate in this event free of charge! Around 250 tickets are expected to be sold. On a first-reserved basis, the food item(s) served will be accepted. Restaurant must provide plates, dinnerware and napkins for the product served. Disposable is okay (we will have a limited number of extras on hand). Item may be served with a toothpick or in a small container. Portions should be small as this is a tasting party. Please fill out and return at your earliest convivence.

Food Tasting Agreement

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.